Our Missionary in san pedro sula, honduras
We met Pastora Wendy Garcia in the Rio Blanco Bordos. This spirit-filled woman of God is on fire to see her community set free from poverty and lack. Immersion Ministries supports Wendy in full time ministry. We stand with her on the Word of God that says, "Blessed are those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven" Matthew 5:3. The people of Honduras were unashamedly hungry for the Father and his provision in their lives.
Praise Report!
The Father has been moving mightily in the Bordos of San Pedro Sula, and specifically in this church. Three young men who were professed gang members in the neighborhood for a long time. Recently, they were moved by the power of God's Spirit to accept Jesus as their Savior and leave the gang life behind! We praise God for their lives and their futures. Gangs are a large part of this community and it is incredibly difficult to leave that life. Conversion to Pentecostal Christianity has become only way the gangs will allow members to leave without consequences. What an amazing addition to the Kingdom! |
We are proud to support Miss Wendy in her dream to study the Word of God. She has recently enrolled in theology classes to further her education. However, we know that regardless of the education she receives, she is full of the power of the Spirit of God and will continue to preach with zeal.
On this rock, i will build my church37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matthew 22:37-39
Meet Pastor Mateo Murillo and his wife. They have consecrated ground in the Rio Blanco Bordos as the home of !Renuevo de Dios! The community has worked hard to build a church that can make a difference! Their love for Christ will not keep them from meeting together. Click here to find out what God has just provided for the church's foundation. Check out the beginnings of God's church below!