Which kingdom will you continue to build?
During praise and worship practice we began singing a song stating that God was our shield, salvation, and stronghold. Although we had sung this song before, I began to question “How is our God a stronghold?” This word seemed to represent something like a cage or forced bondage. I struggled wrapping my mind around God being something like a cage. Consequently, the Holy Spirit led me to study this word stronghold.
Noah Webster Dictionary definition for stronghold:
A fastness; a fort; a fortified place; a place of security
Quotes from GreatBibleStudy (http://www.greatbiblestudy.com/strongholds.php)
A stronghold is a faulty thinking pattern based on lies and deception.
Two common strongholds that can develop are:
-an incorrect view of GOD
-and/or an incorrect view of YOURSELF
These strongholds are birthed and dwell in deception.
This information gives a clear picture that this is the enemy’s strongholds. We know this because he is a liar and king of deception.
The sad part is that even with this knowledge; we still allow satan and his cohorts to build strongholds around us. We even help him build this garbage. This is done when we allow the negative/lies of the enemy into our minds. BUT we have weapons and authority to break down these chains if we choose.
According to 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 (NIV),”The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.”
The Hebrew word for this stronghold is ochyroma=
How do we stop continuing to help build this kind of stronghold?
No wonder Jesus said in Galatians 3:1 “You foolish Galatians who has bewitched you?”
Do not be tricked any longer; stop building the enemy’s strongholds and rather rest in God’s.
According to 2 Samuel 22:3 (NIV), “My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior; from violent people you save me.”
The Hebrew definition of this stronghold is mesgab=
This gives a picture that under God’s stronghold we can find rest and peace.
Noah Webster Dictionary definition for “resting”:
Ceasing to move or act; ceasing to be moved or agitated; leaning; standing; depending or relying
This is where we are supposed to be under the shadow of His wing. We don’t have to force anything because He holds all things. JUST TRUST
According to Matthew 11:30 (NIV), “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
In rest we can find:
God is asking us to trust Him with our lives this way he can use us to accomplish His work (the great commission). But we have to stop focusing on ourselves and what we feel is important.
Noah Webster Dictionary definition for stronghold:
A fastness; a fort; a fortified place; a place of security
Quotes from GreatBibleStudy (http://www.greatbiblestudy.com/strongholds.php)
A stronghold is a faulty thinking pattern based on lies and deception.
Two common strongholds that can develop are:
-an incorrect view of GOD
-and/or an incorrect view of YOURSELF
These strongholds are birthed and dwell in deception.
This information gives a clear picture that this is the enemy’s strongholds. We know this because he is a liar and king of deception.
The sad part is that even with this knowledge; we still allow satan and his cohorts to build strongholds around us. We even help him build this garbage. This is done when we allow the negative/lies of the enemy into our minds. BUT we have weapons and authority to break down these chains if we choose.
According to 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 (NIV),”The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.”
The Hebrew word for this stronghold is ochyroma=
- a castle, stronghold, fortress, fastness
- anything on which one relies
- of the arguments and reasoning by which a disputant endeavors to fortify his opinion and defend it against his opponent
How do we stop continuing to help build this kind of stronghold?
- Understand who your God is= to do this you must get in the word.
- Understand who you are in God= the authority He has already given you.
- Keep your mind focused on God= No more lies. Make your mind obedient to God.
- Complete your obedience= as you obey God’s voice you will know how to deal/punish the nature of the enemy.
No wonder Jesus said in Galatians 3:1 “You foolish Galatians who has bewitched you?”
Do not be tricked any longer; stop building the enemy’s strongholds and rather rest in God’s.
According to 2 Samuel 22:3 (NIV), “My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior; from violent people you save me.”
The Hebrew definition of this stronghold is mesgab=
- secure height
- retreat
- refuge
This gives a picture that under God’s stronghold we can find rest and peace.
Noah Webster Dictionary definition for “resting”:
Ceasing to move or act; ceasing to be moved or agitated; leaning; standing; depending or relying
This is where we are supposed to be under the shadow of His wing. We don’t have to force anything because He holds all things. JUST TRUST
According to Matthew 11:30 (NIV), “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
In rest we can find:
- Salvation (Isaiah 30:15 Psalms 62:1)
- Hope (Psalms 62:5)
- Strength (Isaiah 26:3, Psalms 37:7)
God is asking us to trust Him with our lives this way he can use us to accomplish His work (the great commission). But we have to stop focusing on ourselves and what we feel is important.
Choose to Build God’s Kingdom
Haggai 1:5-11
Please remember: Rest in God’s stronghold in order that you can help build His kingdom.
Haggai 1:5-11
Please remember: Rest in God’s stronghold in order that you can help build His kingdom.